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Isabel Allende

$150.00 USD

The tattered and missing leaves in this image reminded me of a poem by Isabel Allende: "Perhaps we are in this world to search for love, find it and lose it, again and again."  "Tal vez estamos en este mundo para buscar el amor, encontrarlo y perderlo, una y otra vez."   

Image size is approximately 8"x 10" printed on a 12"x 14" paper.  Prints are made using the finest materials and printers available in a tightly controlled environment.  We use German based manufacturer Hahnemühle’s Photo Baryta paper.  It is 100% cotton based with a unique gloss coating, baryta-like surface and has a hefty weight of 325GSM.  This is arguably the finest printing paper in the world.  Furthermore, we create a custom profile for our printer paper combination and use archival pigment inks, all of which allows us to create the highest quality prints designed to last a lifetime.

Prints are carefully enclosed in glassine and then packaged to protect while shipping.  Included is a beautifully designed certificate of authenticity with both limited and open editions.  The certificate includes the artist signature, title and edition number, if applicable.

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