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$150.00 USD

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This image inspired muy good friend Chrytal Rae to write this poem,

“I imagine you
Unveiling the mystery
And memories of trees
Hidden in photographs
That make me laugh
Make me cry
And most importantly
Make me question
Who I am
And why…”

Image size is approximately 8”x 8" printed on a 12"x 12" paper.  Prints are made using the finest materials and printers available in a tightly controlled environment.  We use German based manufacturer Hahnemühle’s Photo Baryta paper.  It is 100% cotton based with a unique gloss coating, baryta-like surface and has a hefty weight of 325GSM.  This is arguably the finest printing paper in the world.  Furthermore, we create a custom profile for our printer paper combination and use archival pigment inks, all of which allows us to create the highest quality prints designed to last a lifetime.

Prints are carefully enclosed in glassine and then packaged to protect while shipping.  Included is a beautifully designed certificate of authenticity with both limited and open editions.  The certificate includes the artist signature, title and edition number, if applicable.

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